

Land Use Planning

State and territory planning effects will have an impact on how effective sustainability planning could be. The state of southern Australia is committed to improving their housing strategy for environmental friendly living. Affordable housing that is at the same time connected and enriched seems to be at the heart of the housing strategies for Southern Australia. A green report from the state shows that it is committed to opening and expanding housing developments as choices of housing for consumers are now at an all-time rise. People want to own better homes but at the same time they want planned homes that would help them save much in terms of money. Here focusing on environmental impact for the people seem to be a better goal of the government.

“A focus on environmentally sustainable construction of our homes will assist in reducing living costs and protect the environment and our quality of life. This extends beyond efficiency of water, energy and waste efficiencies and includes construction materials and processes, as well as the location of our homes and design of our neighbourhoods. These improvements often have the greatest impact on consumers of affordable housing, as lower income households typically spend a greater proportion of their income on utilities, but are the least likely to be able to afford energy efficiency improvements without assistance” (Government of Southern Australia, 2011, p.21)

While planning for housing developments and sustainable housing it could be held that the Government has rather opportunistic estimates with respect to housing development and these estimates could very wells serve as threats for environmental sustainability. It does appear as if the Government could by itself be restricting efforts (Beer et al., 2007; Hulchanski, 1995). For instance, the same Green report reads that Government of Southern Australia is well committed to helping people to have their individual homes. Many people within the state are seen to come from low income households and they must pay much rend, at around double the Australian average salary. With around thirty-eight percent in renters earning less than $34,000 per year, home ownership for the renters is something that the government undertakes as a strict policy (Government of Southern Australia, 2011). However, in planning for such opportunistic and fast moving housing developments, the capacity to make mistakes in choices of sustainability could increase.



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